Release Notes
Release 2.9 (March 11th, 2010)
- add configurable double click action
- close all dialogs also using the escape key
- rephrasing of some strings
- prevent repeated/cascading dialog opening
- bugfix: some http proxies aborted with an authentication error
Release 2.8 (July 26th, 2009)
- support RSS feeds, which only define the title or content of an RSS item but not both
Release 2.7 (February 15th, 2009)
- support for authenticated HTTP requests
- add help system
- add feature to mark all RSS messages as read at program startup
- bug fix: could not edit priority tag in channel list
Release 2.6 (February 2nd, 2009)
- add about dialog with version information
- change unit of some settings from seconds to minutes
- bug fix: task bar icon did not disappear immediately on exit
- bug fix: autostart feature did not work in non-English OS versions
Release 2.5 (January 5th, 2009)
- allow RSS channels that are retrieved via file requests (and not via HTTP)
- improve robustness of HTML tag stripping
- extend default width of channel info dialog
Release 2.4 (December 28th, 2008)
- add possibility to use global channel config settings in addition to user specific channel configuration
- display locked or unlocked icon in channel settings for global / user channel settings, respectively
- check for duplicate channel on "new" and "edit" in channel settings
- installer: allow program group selection
Release 2.3 (August 2nd, 2008)
- strip HTML characters, which are present in some RSS feeds
- add option to disable network error reporting
- various string updates
- bug fix: click ration was calculated wrong if "mark all read" was used
- bug fix: a race condition could have occured if the channel settings dialog was shortly opened during channel retrieval
- bug fix: a null pointer exception occured if a new version of BalloonRSS was found in auto-update and the settings were set to view the channel as title
Release 2.2 (March 15th, 2008)
- support atom RSS feed format
- add "mark all read" feature
- change design of main context menu to modern UI look
- provide setting to start application in pause mode
- use application icon in installer and uninstaller
- provide default channel settings from resource file instead of defaultChannels.xml, which is now not needed anymore
- provide language specific default RSS channels
- improve format checks on the xml files and user input
- switch to C# 2008 development environment
Release 2.1 (January 25th, 2008)
- add German translation
- add Portuguese translation
- multiple language support
- possibility to check for available application updates
- make the view rate dependent on channel priority
- bug fix: avoid exception in case of RSS feed with empty description text
Release 2.0 (January 6th, 2008)
- record opened RSS messages
- derive effective priority based on viewed and opened messages
- extend channel information dialog with click rate and effective priority
- add possibility to delete collected channel data
- add uninstall information to Add/Remove Programs
Release 1.2 (December 16th, 2007)
- NSIS installer update: remove application dependent data
- user dependent channel configuration
- allow application start also without channel config file
- display welcome pop-up at first application start
- just start a single application instance per user
- add "last update" entry in channel information
- add "retrieve RSS channels" feature
- add slashdot as a second default RSS channel
Release 1.1 (November 11th, 2007)
- add application settings dialog
- add channel config dialog
- update README.txt, including a usage description
- add pause functionality
- change icon usage: blue icon is now used for pause mode
- add the display time in message history dialog
Release 1.0 (October 24th, 2007)
- added NSIS installer program
- remove icon from ALT-TAB menu
- add channel information dialog
- add history dialog
- add last message / next message feature